The effort is centred on the Golden Triangle, where the borders of Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos meet and from where illicit items including drugs are trafficked to lucrative markets across Southeast Asia. UN News spoke with Jeremy Douglas, the Regional Representative of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)...
She shared with UN News her on-the-ground accounts of “extremely difficult conversations” with victims and their children, and how the UN is addressing issues from child support to DNA testing. Jane Connors of Australia is the first Victims’ Rights Advocate for the United Nations. UN News: How would you assess...
“Every time I talk about it, I cry,” she told UN News, describing how propaganda spread messages of hate that sparked a deadly wave of unspeakable violence. She lost 60 family members and friends in the mass slaughter. Ahead of the UN General Assembly’s commemoration of the International Day of...
Instead of instituting these measures, policy and law makers must work to empower women to achieve their individual reproductive goals. Speaking to UN News, Marielle Sander, the Fund’s Resident Representative in Papua New Guinea, explained why the current global population of 8 billion marks an opportunity for a broader conversation...
Dario Jose Mejia Montalvo, Chair of UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and Leader of the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia. Many indigenous peoples profess a deep respect for the planet and all forms of life, and an understanding that the health of the Earth goes hand in hand with...
UN News: As the Olympics continues to grow, both in terms of sports and participation, are there any considerations and discussions on the impact on the environment? Tania Braga: The Games are not growing. There is a limit in the numbers of athletes that can participate, and even with new...
Ndeye Rose Sarr When a girl starts to menstruate, that’s when the problems usually start. From the age of 10, she begins to be looked at as a potential bride for an older man. And if she has not yet undergone FGM, there will be those in her community...
There are currently 46 LDCs listed by the UN and countries graduate once they have reached certain development targets. Eric Overvest, Resident Coordinator for São Tomé and Príncipe Eric Overvest: São Tomé and Príncipe is doing well in terms of social indicators, such as GDP per capita, but is lagging in...
Bringing together Governments, institutions, banks, businesses, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), youth, women, indigenous peoples and many other stakeholders from around the world, the UN 2023 Water Conference (22 to 24 March) will seek to find game-changing solutions to the multifaceted global crisis of ‘too much water’, such as storms and floods;...
Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), was speaking ahead of the start of its 9th Global Forum, which opens in Fez, Morocco, on Tuesday. The theme this time around is Towards An Alliance of Peace: Living Together as One Humanity. The Global Forum is the...
UN News How did the Cartagena Convention come about? Christopher Corbin The Cartagena Convention was driven primarily by a major oil spill that took place in the region close to Trinidad and Tobago in the early 1980s. This brought home the fact that this region is so dependent on the coastal and...
At the end of the month, world leaders, youth, entrepreneurs, and civil society will gather in Lisbon, Portugal, for the second UN Ocean Conference, to mobilize action and jumpstart science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action. Co-hosted by Portugal and Kenya, the event will...
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