In an appeal to internet chat platforms to monitor content more carefully and allocate sufficient resources to do so, the rights experts warned that Telegram in particular had become “a hotbed of pro-military activity”. ‘Violent and misogynistic’ Tens of thousands of followers had been drawn to the junta’s “violent and...
“Continuous” violence, including the killing, arbitrary arrest, torture and enforced disappearance of opponents in Myanmar between 1 February 2022 and 31 January 2023, have left the country’s people desperate for outside help, OHCHR’s James Rodehaver said, unveiling the Office’s latest report on the crisis. “Despite all the challenges that they...
Thomas Andrews, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, acknowledged as “notable” that the Council crafted and advanced a draft that managed to avoid a veto, but “with all due respect”, said that the resolution adopted yesterday was not enough. “‘Demanding that certain actions be taken without any...
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