The incident occurred on Thursday when armed men in uniform encircled Karma village, located in northern Yatenga province, and randomly shot at people. At least 150 civilians were killed, and many more wounded, according to reports. The attackers – allegedly members of the defence and security forces, accompanied by paramilitary...
“We are very concerned at the rising violence in Peru, which on Monday 9 January saw one of the deadliest days since unrest erupted in early December,” Spokesperson Marta Hurtado said in a statement. The protests were sparked after the former President, Pedro Castillo, attempted to dissolve Congress and rule...
Spokesperson Liz Throssell said executions have been taking place almost daily over the past two weeks, following the end of a 21-month official moratorium. “The resumption of executions for drug-related offences in Saudi Arabia is a deeply regrettable step, all the more so coming just days after a wide majority...
“We deplore the hanging today of two men in Singapore and are deeply troubled by the planned execution of two others on 5 August,” OHCHR Spokesman Liz Throssell said in a statement. Drug crimes The two prisoners, a Malaysian and a Singaporean, were hanged at after being convicted in May...
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