Earlier this year, an audience in a Geneva conference hall sat captivated by a video screen carrying live pictures of a 25-year-old man in Portugal suffering from ‘locked-in syndrome’, a devastating neurological disorder that causes patients to lose control of their body; some two years after contracting the condition, he...
“The preeminent forum for the peaceful resolution of international disputes is paralysed by geostrategic divisions”, António Guterres told the Doha Forum taking place in Qatar, following Friday’s meeting in New York during which the United States vetoed a resolution demanding that Israel and Palestinian militants end the intense fighting across...
“Halfway to the 2030 deadline the Sustainable Development Goals are dangerously off track,” he warned.  “Gender equality is almost 300 years away. Progress on maternal health and access to family planning has been glacial.” World Population Day is commemorated annually on 11 July and this year’s focus is on unleashing...
FAO will co-lead the Clean and Healthy Oceans initiative together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), in a strategic partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UN educational, science and cultural agency UNESCO....
The ripple effects of the Ukraine war have triggered price surges, particularly in areas characterized by rural marginalization and fragile agrifood systems, according to the joint report entitled Hunger Hotspots – FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity. 🆘Northern Ethiopia🆘Somalia🆘Yemen🆘South Sudan🆘Afghanistan These are the places where a perfect storm of...
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