“These are deliberate Russian attacks on our powerplants and entire energy grid,” he said, noting that it has destroyed all Ukrainian thermal power plants and a large part of the hydro-electric capacity. “This is how [Russian President] Putin is preparing for winter, hoping to torment millions of Ukrainians – ordinary...
Renewable technologies like wind and solar power are, in most cases, cheaper than the fossil fuels that are driving climate change, but the world needs to prioritize the transformation of energy systems to renewable energy. The Climate Ambition Summit, scheduled for 20 September at UN Headquarters in New York, will consider...
Here are five key things you need to know: 1. Getting back on track The COVID-19 pandemic set back gains made towards realizing the SDGs by decades, and, if present trends persist, by 2030, a staggering 575 million people will remain trapped in extreme poverty, according to the new UN...